Category Archives: Recipies

It’s in the 30’s in Victoria – Here’s a great take on Chicken and Dumplings to keep you warm

Substitute whole wheat tortilla for dumplings. You’ll enjoy the change!

Chicken & Dumplings Tortilla Style

What you need:

  • 1 small to medium chicken
  • 12 whole wheat tortillas
  • a little flour
  • can of cream of mushroom soup
  • large can of evaporated milk
  • cup or so of regular milk
  • one large onion chopped
  • 4 stalks celery, chopped
  • butter

How to do it!

Ahead of time cook the chicken so that you can debone and refrigerate
the stock so that it can cool and the fat can rise to the top.

Cover chicken with water and we throw in one stalk of fresh
rosemary, a carrot & a small onion when we boil the chicken.  Boil
chicken (can cover it and cook on low heat) & debone.  Strain the
stock water that the chicken was cooked in and discard the vegetables.

Back to the soup:  Take the stock & bring to a low boil.  Add can of
cream of mushroom soup, can of evaporated milk & a cup or so of
regular milk.  Take the tortillas and cut them into 1 inch strips 2-3
inches long.  Put them in a plastic bag with a little flour and shake
them to coat them with flour so that they won’t stick together in the
soup.  Add cut up / floured tortillas to the lightly boiling stock
trying not to allow them to stick together.  After adding the
tortillas you go ahead and add the bite size pieces of chicken.  Saute
onions & celery in butter in a separate pan and when translucent add
it to the simmering stock with torts & chicken.  The tortillas lose
their grainy texture when they are tender & cooked.  It takes ~1 hour
at a lower heat for the tortillas to cook into ” dumplings.”  Add more
milk as needed to maintain the right amount of liquid.  Salt and
pepper to taste.

Source: The Masons Cookbook